Sat R-day!: Spatial Statistics and Geostatistics with R

Importing data and visualization with mapview package

The interactive map below has been derived from the Scotland Temperature.csv file used within the scope of the gstlearn program developed by the Geostatistics Team at the Geosciences Research Center from Mines Paris - PSL University.

The gstlearn R package is a cross-platform tool that integrates the gstlearn C++ Library, providing R users access to a comprehensive suite of well-known geostatistical methodologies developed and/or pioneered by the Geostatistics Team.

Cite as:

Geostatistics and Machine Learning toolbox
Copyright © MINES Paris - PSL University
Free download from

Useful links:

Tutorial - SIC97 data

The famous observed rainfall data contains 100 daily rainfall measurements made in Switzerland on the May 8, 1986 which were randomly extracted from a data set of 467 measurements. The repository of the data can be found in

Four R packages are used for interactive map visualization: rnaturalearth, sp, sf, and mapview. Summaries of these packages are provided as comments below.

#Required packages
library(rnaturalearth) # working with global geographic data
library(sp)            # spatial data object tools
library(sf)            # spatial data vectoring tools
library(mapview)       # interactive map visualization

In order to add detail to the visualization, the boundary of Switzerland where the data set is located is imported into R using the ne_countries() function. read.table() function is utilized to import the rainfall data set.

#Switzerland administrative boundary
CH = ne_countries(type = "countries", country = "Switzerland",
                  scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")

# Reading SIC97 data
swissRain = read.table(("sic_obs.dat"), sep=',',col.names=c('ID','x','y','rain'))

…And some coordinate conversions.

#Coordinate conversion
swissRain$x = swissRain$x - 17791.29 + 2672591
swissRain$y = swissRain$y - 13224.66 + 1200225
swissRain$rain = swissRain$rain / 10
coordinates(swissRain) <- c("x", "y")
swissRain@proj4string <- CRS("+init=epsg:2056")
swissRain <- spTransform(swissRain, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
swissRain <- data.frame(coordinates(swissRain),swissRain$rain)
colnames(swissRain)<-c("lon", "lat","Rainfall")
swissRain <- st_as_sf(swissRain, coords = c("lon", "lat"))

#Convert values to mm (Rainfall in original data is given in 1/10th of mm)
swissRain$Rainfall <- swissRain$Rainfall/10

The final step involves creating a variable (size) in data frame for proportional visualization of sample points. Then, the boundary and data points are plotted using the mapview() function.

#Set bubble size
swissRain$size <- 2.5*(swissRain$Rainfall/max(swissRain$Rainfall))

output<-mapview(CH, alpha.regions = 0, 
                legend = FALSE,label = FALSE,
                color = "red", lwd = 3,
       = 'Swiss boundary') +
        mapview(swissRain, zcol = "Rainfall",
                cex = "size",
       = 'Rainfall (mm)')

Next Sat R-day!’s tutorial will be about exploratory data analysis.

Good luck!

Gunes Ertunc
Gunes Ertunc
Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering